Sunday, March 21, 2010

My Gym

"My Gym has developed an extraordinary program and facility devised to help children 6 weeks thru 13 years of age develop physically, cognitively and emotionally.We have over 200 locations in more than 25 countries offering structured, age-appropriate, weekly classes that incorporate music, dance, relays, games, special rides, gymnastics, sports and more. Children have loads of fun as they gain strength, balance, coordination, agility and flexibility while developing social skills, confidence and self-esteem." (From

Basically it gives Mason,who is constantly moving, a chance to explore and play with really cool stuff. Every week they change the layout of the gym so it is different. We have a circle time for warm up activities...then free play...then different areas set up for certain activities...more free play...then separation time from Mommy (or whoever brings the child)...then we have a short story time...then the goodbye song. My parents were able to attend a class with us. Not only did they get to see Mason having tons of fun, but they were able to take pictures for me. Mason takes a long nap after My Gym!
Crawling through a rolling ball.
Climbing stairs...he is getting faster & faster.
ZIP LINE AIRPLANE! I love the Zip Line :)
Bouncing on the Trampoline

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