Friday night, we started working on the next craft
because I knew the paint would have to dry.
I put the freezer box in our basement so we would
have a place to paint.
I drew a Christmas tree on a piece of white paper.
Then I let Mason have fun painting.
(It wouldn't have been as fun using green paper!)
He had to have both paint brushes.
At first, he did dots.
Then I helped him spread the paint all over the paper.
This morning we finished the tree.
Since Mason likes fish right now, I used
foam stickers of fish and turtles.
He put all the foam stickers on the tree.
Mason's Christmas Tree.
(-Make sure you buy washable paint, it comes off super easy!
-Pour out what paint you think you need,
then pour 3/4 of that back in the bottle...
paint goes a long way!
-Be patient, let the kids enjoy it.)